DIY Shaving Cream For Sensitive Skin

This DIY shaving cream is so easy to make and doesn't contain any nasty ingredients. Plus, I was able to add in some shea butter to help nourish the skin!

DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin | Real Food RN

My husband has to shave his head every morning! It is inevitable to get a few knicks here and there. Well, when you are using shaving creams filled with synthetic chemicals, they get right into your body through those tiny little cuts. We have purchased various toxin-free brands and been generally satisfied. The price tag can usually be pretty steep though. So, I decided to whip up my own DIY shaving cream (literally!). Plus, I was able to add in some shea butter to help nourish the skin! 

DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Cream


  • 2/3 cup shea butter — we love this brand!
  • 2/3 cup coconut oil — where to find
  • 1/4 cup sweet almond oil — where to find
  • 1/4 cup baby-mild castile soap — where to find  (I chose to use the mild soap because my husband shaves his head with this cream, I don’t want it to get into his eyes and burn!)
  • A few drops Vitamin E oil — where to find
  • Container of your choice — you can find some really cute bottles and jars HERE!


  • In a double boiler over low heat, melt the coconut oil and shea butter
  • Pour into a ceramic or glass bowl and put into the fridge until its solid
DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin | Real Food RN
DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin | Real Food RN
  • Remove from fridge and add in sweet almond oil, Castile soap
  • Using a hand mixer, whip this stuff up until nice and fluffy
DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin | Real Food RN
DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin | Real Food RN
  • Put DIY Shaving Cream into a glass jar and use as needed for shaving — you can find some really cute bottles and jars HERE

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DIY Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin | Real Food RN
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32 Replies to “DIY Shaving Cream For Sensitive Skin”

  1. Hi! This looks very nice…Do you have instructions on how best to apply/remove? When using a typical shaving cream, you would normally swish and rinse the razor in a sink of water and because it’s more like soap, the hair comes out easily and there are no oils clog up the drain. I imagine if you use that method with this cream, you would run into all sorts of issues, more-so if one were shaving a few days worth of stubble. Thanks!

    1. I would imagine that it could get a bit messier as this cream is more like a lotion. It really makes your skin soft afterwards. I use it frequently and have not had a mess in the shower and my husband used it to shave his head every morning. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

    1. Best when melted for starters. If you really want a great whip, then put it into the fridge once combined with the other ingredients and allow it to become solid again before whipping

  2. To Tracy,

    It has been my experience that starting with a tablespoon or so of arrowroot powder or corn starch will help fluff it back up and take away some of the greasy residue. You can also add some kaolin or bentonite clay for a nice razor slip, as well. 😉

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